Irina Kurganskaya Art

Lisbon Painting Portugal Original Watercolor Painting Wall Art Cityscape Fine Art Painting Lisbon Skyline by Irina Kurganskaya

Irina Kurganskaya Art

Os nossos produtos

You came to the page of watercolor and textile artist. As an artist, my goal is to capture the beauty and essence of the world that surrounds us. I am drawn to the natural world and find inspiration in the intricate details of flora and fauna. My artistic statement is rooted in my belief that art has the power to connect us to the natural world and inspire us to protect and appreciate it. Through my paintings, I hope to share my love.

Tabela de Preços

price range varies from EUR 20 to EUR 250 depending on the size and technic of the painting.

Onde encontrar

Morada: Rua Sacadura Cabral 107, rc dto
Blog: –
I accept orders though instagram, facebook or by phone

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